Friday, February 21, 2014

Brushing off winter

It has been a very long, hard Winter. The snow is piled up chest-high against the house, and our only egress is a warren-like maze of paths cut into the frozen white banks.

We are ready for Spring.

I was given one of these adorable little Pot Makers as a Christmas gift, and was excited to try it out. I had actually made my own many years ago using my father's lathe and a chunk of cherry. While I am still pretty proud of my effort, it was missing a couple of key design elements that made it not quite as effective as a store-bought one.

So Z and I gave it a go yesterday:

I have to say, it's pretty quick and easy! I used twine to reinforce the pots, and Z expertly filled each one.

Thirteen pots down, 211 to go! We should be done just in time to get our seeds started in anticipation of Spring.