Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The farm plot begins

This past weekend my wonderful folks came out to help me prep my new 20'x20' plot at the farm. From what I had been told it had been left fallow for a couple of years, so it needed a good tilling. Enter my dad - the Superman of rototilling.

It started out as a hard bed of grass, mint and weeds (much like the plot pictured next to it.)

One hour and four passes later, the soil was deep, clean and velvety.

This morning I ventured over to put in the first three rows of Stuttgarten Reisen onions and Chantennay carrots...

...while Z made the obligatory mud pies and got herself good and filthy.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Two new girls are waiting for me....

We were wily enough this year to get in touch with my favorite chicken breeder well ahead of time to reserve both a Delaware and a Welsummer chick to add to our flock. We very much wanted a Delaware when we started our flock last year (was it really only a year ago?) but they were all snatched up before I could get there. We were despondent. I can understand why they went so quick - they are such pretty little things. A little bribery and lots of cajoling this year has these two chicks set aside for us to pick up in a couple of weeks. It's time to start prepping the brooder again, and I can't wait to get my hands on those fluffy little cuties!

It is a long process to get them to full feather indoors. Last year we had a large plastic tote on the front porch. I put down shavings for bedding, had a little waterer and feeder, and chicken wire and a heat lamp on top. Because we had six chicks in such a small space, I changed the bedding, water and feed every single evening, adding in a little snuggle time with each to get them used to being held.

Looking back, I lost three birds last year - Dorothy to being a roo, Lily to exposure and my darling Nancy to a cocciladosis outbreak. I have learned an immense amount in the last year. Particularly letting life take it's course, and to remember to thank the girls every time I come to collect eggs.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I was a little late getting them into the ground this year, but the sugar snap peas have finally been soaked and planted! My current trellises are grossly inadequate, and I am hoping to get something a bit taller in place before they start to spout.

I am fantasizing about freezer bags full of fresh snap peas for Z to devour...