Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Sign!


I am pleased to announce that I have both a woodshop sign AND an actual woodshop to hang it next too!

Both need a bit of tweaking, of course, but the talented folks at Fabhaus Beacon will take care of the signage portion of this project and engrave this in wood for me....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christmas for Chickens

If you were able to speak Chicken, the girls would have surely told you with great enthusiasm that today is by far their favorite day of the year. It's Leaf Raking Day!

Every year we shred the endless multitude of maple leaves that end up in the backyard, and add them to our raised beds. Each year the primary focus is the section of garden that was recently planted with garlic - usually we try to put a 5-6" bed of shredded leaf mulch over the ground to protect the cloves over the winter.

Once the girls arrived on the scene, I started setting aside a pretty hefty leaf pile to add to their run. Sometimes the leaves were so high they would get lost in the drifts, and then suddenly pop out, chest deep and startled.

I spent most of today cleaning out a room to make into a proper wood shop. (Yay! More on that later - definitely!) From where I was working I heard contented scratching, kicking and clucking from the run all day. Bugs and leaves and the best presents I supposed.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fall Photography

Late this afternoon, Zooey, her friend Lucas and I took a walk in the woods together to hunt down the perfect leaves for our flower press book. We didn't find any spectacular ones (although we did find more bittersweet, black walnuts and acorns....) but we did see some very pretty colors in the sky.

The tide was out, so the Fishkill Creek estuary was low, and great Blue Heron landed nearby.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Campfires, walks in the woods, a little bit of snow on the ground this morning. Collecting bittersweet and acorns and leaves on our hikes. New shearling mittens for my little one. Deliveries of stew beef from a friend (and newly-minted butcher.) Bluejays, Juncos, Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Sparrows, Titmice and Nuthatches circling the feeder. Pumpkin pie recipes.